Experimenting is the single most effective strategy for personal development.

Get your personal development experiment every month into your mailbox.

A real one, not a digital one.

Unleash creativity.

Experimenting forces you to think outside the box and develop new ideas.

Make life more fun!

Experimenting enlivens you to add excitement and variety to your life.

Learn and grow.

Experimenting opens you up to learn new skills and gain new knowledge.

Find your potential.

Experimenting opens you to new possibilities and experiences

Remember the feeling when...

  • ... you faced too many options and services for personal development to choose from?
  • ... you did not have enough time or energy to make a change?
  • ... you started a new habit but did not endure it?
Woman choosing between too many books.

How microexperiments work?

Micro-experiments are a practical way to incorporate experimentation into your daily routine.

Short-term, low-risk, and easy experiments allow you to discover new ideas and behaviours.

We prepare boxes for you every month, delivered directly to your mailbox (real, not digital).

Each box includes new experiments tailored to a specific topic and instructions, resources, and support to help you get started.

We suggest you spend 3 - 5 hours experimenting each month.

At the end of the month-long experiment, we offer a final group reflection — a one-hour online meeting where each participant draws conclusions and guidelines based on the experience.

What is in the Experiment Box?

Every box is unique. But here is the content of one of our boxes:

  • Welcome and initial instructions
  • Theoretical description of the topic covered
  • Tasks and needed material for the task
  • Goal and Mood tracker
  • And most of the time, some surprise.

A month in the life of an experimenter


Order the Box

You have to order the box for the next month by the 25th of the current month.


Wait for the Box

After ordering, we send the box to you on the first three business days of the following month.


Using the Box

You can experiment daily for about 8 minutes a day or weekly for an hour.


Final reflection

To conclude the monthly experimentation, we meet online in the last week of the current month, where you write down your insights and guidelines.


Order a new Box

New experiments, new experiences.

Final reflection

To conclude the process of monthly experimentation, we prepare a final reflection.

The final reflection is an online meeting of a small group of experimenters.

The purpose of reflection is to complete the process of experimentation.

We conclude the process with insights and guidelines for future experiments.

Three easy steps to start experimenting


Sign up for Experiment Box.

After receiving the application, we send you a specially prepared box of experiments.


Wait for your first box.

We send the boxes at the beginning of the month, so we prepared a short experiment while you wait for the box.


Start doing experiments.

All you have to do when you receive the box is open it and start experimenting.

Start experimenting

We have prepared a box on the topic of creativity for you to develop creativity through experimentation.

To find out how Experiment Box works, we offer you a special price for ordering your first box.

Creativity Box

€ 75

€ 42

  • Experiment Box with experiments for a whole month
  • Theoretical description of experimentation
  • Goal and mood tracker
  • Final group reflection
  • A surprise

This price is valid only for EU countries. Additional costs may apply to other countries.

Free shipping

We cover the shipping costs.

100% satisfaction

If you are not satisfied with the product, we will refund your money.

100% safe buy

Your data is stored securely following the GDPR.

What do other experimenters say?

Not yet time to experiment?

Nothing serious. Everyone needs some time to decide on this important step in their life.

You can leave us your email address so we can notify you when we prepare something new at Experiment Box. As we do not like spam, we will only send you relevant messages.

It's even better if you follow us on our social networks.



Meet the Experiment Box team

Together more than


years of experience leading various groups of between 5 and 30 people.

More than


users of the program that we actively co-created.

More than


participants who went through our training programs.

What happens if a physicist, a mathematician, a machinist, a culturist and a psychologist put their heads together? Yes, some of us graduated from two colleges. :)

The Experiment Box team consists of dr. Miloš Borovšak, Urša Dimić, Mark Baltič and Tadej Malus. We met when we started working in a team that prepares experiential training for leaders of scouting units and train-the-trainer training for the Slovenian Scout Association.

We decided on the Experiment Box because we ourselves came to situations where we felt like we were stagnating in life. Each in his own field. So, we decided to add some experimentation to our lives. It was so successful that we agreed to offer the experiment to others.

Since we started experimenting in March 2023, our life is much more varied.

We also recommend that you try an experiment. The best that we have prepared for you!

All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Still have a question?

Send us an email and we will answer you.

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